Staying Comfy In Between Seasons

It’s that time year! Sometimes you’re hot, sometimes you’re not. This transition period is a great time to test out your heating and cooling system. There are few things you can do to guarantee a warm winter ahead.


There are things you can do yourself to make sure your HVAC system is running smoothly, including changing filters regularly, but sometimes you need a pro to come and check it all out to make sure there are no leaks or other problems. An end-of-season check-up is especially important if you didn’t have your unit serviced before the start of summer!


During the summer, grass, weeds, or debris may have collected or grown in and around the unit. Clearing the area is key to maintaining your heating and cooling system. High grass and dry leaves attract insects and might even be a fire hazard. It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the area around your outdoor unit as we head into autumn and leaves begin to fall.



Since kids are at school during the day, your house may be empty and you don’t need to keep your thermostat set at the same temperature as you did in July. Set or program your thermostat to a level that makes you comfy. Remember, there’s no need to cool a house when no one is around to enjoy it!


If your heating and cooling system is older or if you’ve remodeled or added to your home, now is the time to have one of our technicians take a look and evaluate your unit.  It may be time for an update! Furnaces older than 10 years are considerably less efficient than newer models. If a new system is recommended, taking care of it now will save time and money this winter.

If you need help with any of these, give Scott Systems a call.

We have service technicians specializing in both business and residential systems who will give your unit a seasonal service and help extend the life your existing system. If you need an update, we can help with that as well.

And don’t forget about our Comfy Club!— Membership benefits include convenient seasonal check-ups, access to 24/7 emergency service, discounts and more! Call (870) 536-9449 for details.

HVAC 101, Winter PrepJessica Crum